Letter from the General Manager

Last Updated: April 10th, 2022

Splatters Paintball is opening like normal this spring! But what is normal anymore? No one knows. Paintball inherently includes social distancing as part of the experience, our role is to ensure off-field safety remains as much a priority as on-field safety! Cleaning will be the new norm, more often and more diligently than before. Feel free to email us at info@splatterspaintball.com or call us at 204-388-2255 for more information!

Evan Schroeder
General Manager

What's NOrmal anymore?


What We've always done

  • Paintball is all played on Outdoor fields in Rural Southeast Manitoba. We're spread over 40 acres of farmland, no neighbours for a mile around. Fresh air and away from heavily populated areas!
  • The entire sport of paintball is designed to keep you away from all other players throughout the game! And the playing fields are really big!
  • Low physical contact throughout the game; You just have to shoot at each other!
  • Our masks have always been cleaned with Mr. Clean solution after every use, including a full dunk and scrub, that will NOT change.
  • Our masks have always had closed cell foam to ensure they don't absorb water, and are left overnight to ensure they are completely dry for the next player!

Extra Precautions from Covid-19

  • Each player will receive their own microfiber cloth to ensure it only cleans their own mask.
  • Washroom cleaning every hour along with spray in the washrooms for users to use after each use.
  • A new online only check in and waiver system is now implemented to ensure we can safely process players without having to share table space and writing utensils. Players should complete the waiver when they arrive, following this link: SplattersPaintball.com/waiver!

Rural Paintball - Create safe memories in rural Manitoba!
